Sunday, August 30, 2009


Based on the gender discrimination in Japan, we had found some problems including unfair towards women. In perspectives of men, they just only tools that must obey to the rules.

Discrimination is an assault on the very notion of human rights. Discrimination is the systematic denial of certain peoples' or groups' full human rights because of who they are or what they believe. It is all too easy to deny a person’s human rights if you consider them as “less than human”.

This is why international human rights law is grounded in the principle of non-discrimination.

The drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights stated explicitly that they considered non-discrimination to be the basis of the Declaration. Yet discrimination due to factors such as race, ethnicity, nationality, class, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or health status – or a combination of factors – persists in many forms in every country in the world.

Discrimination in law enforcement can mean that certain groups are viewed by the authorities as ''potential criminals'' and so are more likely to be arrested and imprisoned. It can also mean that they are more likely to suffer harsher treatment, possibly amounting to torture or other forms of ill-treatment, once in criminal justice system.

An individual’s identity or status may also affect the nature and consequences of their ill-treatment – for example, transgender women detained with male prisoners are particularly at risk of rape and other forms of sexual violence.Many individuals face discrimination based on more than one element of their identity – for example, Indigenous women face discrimination not only as women, but as Indigenous Peoples. Such multiple factors interact and change individuals’ experience of discrimination.

Violence is used to terrorize women in the home, at work, in custody and in conflict, where rape is often used as a “weapon of war”. Wherever it is inflicted, this violence is intimately linked to women's subordinate position in society and restrictions on women’s autonomy. Sometimes state officials perpetrate violence. Often they are complicit in the violence of others who may be employers, religious or customary authorities or family members.

Dozens of countries still have laws which criminalize homosexuality. Such discriminatory laws not only deprive a sector of the population of their human rights, they may also act as a license to torture or ill-treat those detained. By institutionalizing discrimination such laws can act as an official incitement to violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the community as a whole. However, such concerns are not limited to countries where homosexuality is illegal. Institutionalized prejudice means that lesbians, bisexuals, gay men and transgender people who come into contact with the law for other reasons may be targeted for abuse.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Active listening intentionally focuses on who you are listening to, whether in a group or one-on-one, in order to understand what he or she is saying. As the listener, we should able to repeat back in our own words what they have said. This does not mean we agree with, but rather understand, what they are saying. Active listening is more just paying attention. It is also an important motivational strategy.

Active listening helps avoid conflict. When we listen attentively, we can fully understand the other person's point of view. While we might not always agree with their point of view, at least we "know where they are coming from". Just knowing what a person is really thinking and where they are coming from helps to better understand them.

In terms of stronger relationship, we are honoring to the other person when we listen actively. In this case, it can build trust with them. Listening attentively gets people to open up. They feel like they are being heard and understood. Once they feel like someone is really listening to them, they are more willing to share their true feelings.

Active listening can avoids misunderstandings, as people have to confirm that they do really understand what another person has said.

'' A man's silence is wonderful to listen to"

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Punk had its roots somewhere in the mid-1970s. Punks can come from any and all walks of life and economic classes. The subculture is predominantly male, with the exception of the riot movement. The punk subculture is centered around listening to recordings or live concerts of a loud, aggressive genre of rock music called punk rock, usually shortened to punk.

Inspired by its musical genre, a distinct type of fashion has been developed. they started to black shirts or skirts, safety pins and razor blades were used as jewelry, also wear tight jeans, Converse sneakers and skate shoes. Some punks wear clothes displaying a Nazi Swastika for shock-value, but most punks are anti-racist and are more likely to wear a crossed-out swastika symbol. Some punks cut their hair into Mohawks, style it stand in spikes and color it with unnatural hues.

Punk aesthetics determine the type of art punks enjoy, usually with underground, minimalistic and satirical sensibilities. Punk art is often concerned with political issues such as social injustice and economic disparity. The use of images of suffering to shock and create feelings of empathy in the viewer is common. Much of the earlier artwork was in black and white. Alternatively, punk artwork may contain images of selfishness, stupidity, or apathy to provoke contempt in the viewer.
His arm around her waist,
With his studded belt in place.
A band tee covers his chiseled body,
"Three Days Grace."
As he reaches up,
To outline her pretty face.
Hot pink Converse on her feet,
She strums on her guitar.
He takes a few steps back,
But he's not going far.

Colorful bracelets line her arm,
As she keeps on playing.
He abruptly stops,and looks at her.
And her hand he begins taking.
She stops what she is doing
And looks into his eyes.
Brushes back his shaggy hair,
and begins to rise.

They fall onto a grungy couch together,
He looks in her eyes and whispers,
"I'll Love You Forever."
Those words,
They gave her such a high.
She knew they couldn't be a lie.

Starting then,
they shared an eternal bond.
As the music in the background, played on and on..=).

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


There are many factors to consider, and there is not a linear relation to global temperature variation and sea level. However, it is clear that over the past 100 years sea level has risen about 1/2 foot. An important factor to consider is that coastlines are not regular and do not have the same slope. Although a near-term rise of a few inches does not sound like a great concern, those areas with very mild slopes will have a large encroach with only a small global rise. A rise in sea level would inundate coastal cities, wetlands, and lowlands.
In some parts of the world entire nations are at risk of going under water with rising seas. For example, Bangladesh is land at terrible risk for loss of life, homes, and businesses due to their low elevation. As sea level rises the majority of the world’s population will face critical issues related to their way of life and even their very survival. Damage due to coastal flooding results in economic and habitat loss for humans as well as plant and animal species, thus increase the rate of erosion along the shorelines of beaches , threatening coastal structures on private lands.
Near Recife, Brazil the shoreline has receded more than 8 feet per year from 1985 to 1995. Another problem with sea level rise is the mixing of ocean water with fresh water supplies causing an increased salinity of coastal rivers and bays.